Meet The Trainer: Eliza

I have had an affinity for dogs as long as I can remember. I spent a few years training my first dog myself while trying to find a way to enter the professional dog training world. My first job in dogs was working at a busy training and boarding kennel for 3 years while learning all the ins and outs of training and taking care of dogs. I then started my own successful business that I ran in Arizona for 8 years, having board & trains in my home and doing private lessons regularly. I have since moved to the Roanoke area for cooler weather and more space for my dogs.

I actively compete in IGP/Schutzhund with my German Shepherds, Gambit (retired), Quest, & Yoyo. It is my belief that if you can train a high drive dog to go out on a field and display advanced obedience around high distraction, there isn’t much you can’t do.