
Board & Train

3-6 weeks

$1000 per week

Comes with 3 lessons to be done after the stay is over so owner can learn best continued practices.

Time frame is dependent on what is recommended and discussed during our initial phone evaluation and based on your individual goals and expectations.

Each stay consists of:

  • 24/7 supervision

  • Proper socialization with our own stable and confident dogs

  • a strict daily routine of potty breaks, exercise, play, training, and feeding times

  • Safe sleeping quarters in their own kennel inside our personal residence

  • Weekly updates/video showing your dogs progress

  • Upon request, administering medication and handling any special feeding requirements.

Private Lessons

5 session package: $700

10 session package: $1200

All of our one on one sessions take place on our property or in your home/offsite for an added travel fee. Private lessons are best if you would prefer a more hands-on approach to your dog’s training. The lessons are tailored to you and your dog’s needs.

IGP Sport Package

5 session package: $450
10 session package: $750

These packages are for those wanting to pursue IGP/Schutzhund or build a foundation in obedience and protection for any related dog sport. This rate is designed for those with long term goals in the sport.